I’m Janet Alcorn, librarian by day and author of suspense, horror, and romance fiction in the wee hours of the morning when normal people are deep in snooze-ville. When I’m not wrangling cantankerous fictional people or earning a living, I play in my garden, listen to 80s rock at ear-bleeding volume, and annoy my husband and son. I’ve lived in 5 states and 3 time zones and have recently returned to my beloved San Joaquin Valley in California, where I grew up.
Here’s what you’ll find in my humble little corner of the interwebs:
My blog, unofficially known as Tales from Camp WTF. I blog about writing (duh), travel (mostly around Arizona, where I lived from 2014-2024), my garden (mostly weeds), books (sometimes mine, sometimes other people’s), music (mostly 80s, always loud), and my life (zzzzzzzzz). I also share memes. Lots of memes. Why? Because if I include memes on my blog, then scrolling meme groups on Facebook counts as writing, right? RIGHT????
My writing, including links to my published work (so far only short pieces, but a girl can dream) and information about my novels in progress.
Information about me, in which I make a feeble attempt to make my life sound exciting. Spoiler alert: it isn’t.
How to contact me, including links to my social media. Feel free to friend/follow me. I’m occasionally funny and mostly housebroken.