New Name, New Look, New News

What’s with the new name at the top of the page? No, I didn’t get divorced (sorry, all you hot dudes, I’m still taken). Instead, I decided to adopt a pseudonym. No, I’m not on the run from the law/drug smugglers/the paparazzi. I just decided that I did not, at some future date when my first novel is published, want to sit across a conference table at work from someone who has read one of my sex scenes and knows I’m the author. I once had to sit across a conference table at work from the doctor who had done my most recent pap smear. That was weird enough.

Over the next few weeks, this site will undergo some other changes–new theme, new header, and probably a few other tweaks. Why, you ask? Well, that brings me to two bits of news:

  1. I just sold the audio rights for one of my short stories to Night Shift Radio for their Storytellers Series podcast. I hope people will like it enough to visit my site, and I want my site to reflect my writing style and new authorial identity.
  2. This is the year I plan to query agents for my first novel, Vanishing, Inc., which means I’ll need a more professional-looking site that better reflects my authorial identity.
  3. Yes, I know, “Authorial identity” sounds incredibly pretentious. Let me have my moment, will ya?


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