Garden pix and more COVID memes (Weekend Coffee Share #31) - Janet Alcorn
Good morning and happy Friday! It’s supposed to be 91F today here at Camp WTF, and it’s still March. W.T.F. The worst part? In 2 months, I’ll be ready to kill for a day when it’s only 91. OK, I’ll stop whining. Welcome to the Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer! Grab a drink, pull up a seat, and let’s get to it. What’s New Nothing. Zip. Nada. We didn’t go anywhere or do anything exciting, so all I can offer you are a few garden pictures: Last year we planted a dwarf orange tree and harvested all of 2 oranges. This year, it’s *covered* in blossoms. If they all become oranges, the poor tree is going to collapse. Long-Suffering Husband’s current project: disguising the extremely ugly but useful storage shed in our backyard: Imagine those trellises covered in jasmine. Imagine me spending this weekend planting jasmine. Then imagine me with my heating pad and ibuprofen. Last weekend I did something I almost never do: a) bought a bunch of plants, and b) planted them right away instead of letting them sit around and dry out and get sad-looking. Go me! Tomatoes and basil–yum! Now I just have to keep them alive through the inferno that is May and June, till monsoon season starts. And here’s my other raised bed, filled with carrots, shallots, beets, parsley, sage, peppers, green onions (started by planting the bottoms of supermarket green onions), and I’itoi onions. Fun fact: I’itoi onions were brought to the desert Southwest by Jesuit priests in the 1600s and given to the Tohono O’odham. Learn more here. After next weekend, I should have some travel pictures, since I’m driving up to Flagstaff for a writing class and a reunion with some of the folks from my very first writing group. For now, though, you’ll have to content yourself with: 2020 Covid Memes, Episode 3: The Pandemic in Pop Culture Two weeks ago, I celebrated 2 years of the coronazoic era with a batch of my favorite memes from early in the pandemic. Last week, we revisited the Great Toilet Paper Shortage of 2020. After 2 weeks, you probably thought you were safe from Covid memes. Wrong-O! Today’s Covid meme theme is: pop culture. Strap into the Wayback Machine, folks. This is gonna be fun. Music Kurt Cobain was 100% correct. So was whoever came up with this gem: Seriously. That should have been the moment when the whole country locked down voluntarily. And speaking of lockdown: And of course, my favorite band: You failed us, Toby. You failed us. So did quite a few other musicians: A few musicians were actually helpful: Movies and TV Post-Apocalptic Fun This one’s for my husband: And this one’s for me: Change the pink sweats to grey, sub in Def Leppard for Hello, Kitty, and replace the bag + dog with a heavily-worn black leather purse, and it’s totally me. 2020 gave Mad Max and crew a new mission: Horror Not into the post-apocalyptic stuff? Here’s another wardrobe option: True story: my husband once took me out to dinner and a movie on Friday the 13th… dressed as Jason. Yeah, that checks out. Star Wars I used that Star Wars reference in one of my early-in-the-pandemic posts. That was totally us during the early days of the pandemic. We lived in the country outside of Flagstaff and went for walks in the forest a lot. Whenever we’d see another human, we’d casually head off in a different direction. The other human would, too. And my favorite: Star Trek Woe betide the poor redshirts. Harry Potter I ate a lot of chocolate. Age tests Do you know where these last two are from? If so, go schedule your colonoscopy. That’s it for me this week. Rock those sweatpants, stay healthy, and leave the tiki idols alone. Oh, and tell me about your weekend plans, because my weekend will probably be just as noneventful as the last one.
Janet Alcorn