If it weren’t for COVID, I’d have no news at all

Good morning and happy Friday! It’s been a mostly uneventful week here at Camp WTF. I’ve finally recovered from my trip to New Orleans and am gearing up for my annual spring staycation later this month. The main event this week was a notification that I’ve been exposed to COVID. Did you know iPhones have a built-in feature for detecting COVID exposure? Apparently it’s connected to some public health departments and uses Bluetooth to determine if you’ve been close to someone who has reported a positive COVID test. I had no idea till I got a message on my phone from the Nevada Health Department informing me I’d been exposed. That was soon followed by an email from the folks who organized the conference I attended in New Orleans, informing me that some attendees had reported testing positive after the conference. I felt horrible for about a day after I got back (headache, fatigue, body aches–basically how I feel after a COVID shot), but I tested negative. I tested again a couple of days later and was still negative, and I feel fine, so… bullet dodged, apparently.

Pretty sad when one’s excitement for the week is exposure to a potentially deadly disease. I really need to get a life.

I don’t have any other news to share–no travel or garden pics either–but I do have a wonderful video and the usual batch of meme-y hilarity. But before we get to that:

Welcome to the Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer! Unlike me, she has some gorgeous pictures on her blog this week, so go check ’em out.

Video of the week

A co-worker shared this video as a reminder that no matter how much it seems like the world is on fire (in some places, literally), there is always hope. This one requires a Blurry Screen Warning–but it’s worth it.

Memes, Baby!

Yet again the Meme Theme this week is Random Crap I Found While Not Being Productive. Here we go:

This one popped up in my Facebook memories from a few years ago:

My printer is possessed. It makes random territorial printer noises when I’m sitting next to it and minding my own business, like it needs to remind me of its power over me. Or maybe it’s just feeding time, because the damn thing slurps up ink like a vampire at a blood bank, even when I’m not using it. I tried to print some travel documents before my trip to NOLA last week, and all four ink cartridges were empty. Seriously. And I hadn’t printed anything in at least a couple of weeks.

Speaking of NOLA and supernatural creatures:

Seems like the solution here is to have ghost taxis.

On a completely different note:

Yes, yes I am. And if you’ve read my blog at all, you probably don’t need convincing, but if you do, this should do it:

Or this:

Reason #1582 why I’m glad I’m old and married and therefore out of the dating pool.

Speaking of being old:

Yep. And a weekend with no plans is the perfect weekend. 55-year-old me would be such a disappointment to 16-year-old me.

Honestly, I was more likely to fall asleep in a chair when I was younger. Now I can’t get comfortable enough.

Oh, you sweet little whippersnapper. I’m get up and slap the black and white TV to fix the volume years old. Damn it, I can’t watch Gilligan’s Island because the president is on years old. Dial a number to hear the correct time because I forgot to wind my watch years old.

OK, OK, I’ll stop.

Back to dating:

“I’ve seen forests less shady than you,” is now going to become part of my verbal repertoire.

I may also adopt a new unit of measurement:

Now I feel like an ironing board. Or this:

On the home front:

We have a guest coming on Monday, so I’ll spend the weekend hiding the museum pieces and scrubbing their surroundings.

I could totally imagine my husband doing this one:

My husband and I both have foul mouths, and I’m sure it was hilarious to watch us both try not to cuss around our son when he was little. We did a lot of this:

[bangs toe on coffee table leg]

FU.. Fudge! Fud-fud-fuddity-fudge! Mother fudging fudgecake!

I’m surprised our son didn’t develop a weird association between pain and chocolate.

And finally, in honor of the triple-digit heat that will start tomorrow and last till October:

Have a great week, everyone! What’s happening in your world?


  • Natalie

    Janet, Glad to hear you didn’t get COVID. Are you used to triple-digit heat? I hope you have a great week ahead. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

    • Janet Alcorn

      Thanks! Every year I need a few days to get used to the triple-digit heat. Then it’s still miserable but not so shocking to the system.

  • trentpmcd

    Glad you skipped that Covid bullet. I liked the video. I’ll admit that I don’t know Michael Franti, but I will say I really like him after watching that. (And that little girl can sing!!) I guess if I die and want a taxi, I’ll try to die in Japan and not NOLA. Does that make sense? No? Hmmm…

    • Janet Alcorn

      I didn’t know who Michael Franti was either till my co-worker shared that video. He’s a talented guy!

  • Gary A Wilson

    Hi Janet –

    Okay – that video was way too charming. It beat all cat videos I’ve been subjected to for the past 3 years. . .

    And I loved – loved the meme about carrying a knife to your date.
    I always had knives on me. They are part of who I am.
    And it paid off with that one gal who knew it and thus insisted on frisking me before each date.

    Sorry . . .
    I’ll stop now — but just for a while.

    • Janet Alcorn

      Ahahahahaha. My husband used to always carry a knife too. I kinda wish he still did–it came in handy quite a few times. I used to carry a pocketknife in my purse, but I stopped when I was traveling a lot for work. I didn’t want to forget it and have the TSA confiscate it.

  • Elizabeth Seckman

    We’ve had Covid twice. Once pre-vax. Once post-vax. If you get it, my advice is to keep moving. Round two was starting to get the better of me, so I spent a day farming and felt better. The ER doc said a half-hour walk. My husband interpreted that as make her a field hand for a day.

    • Janet Alcorn

      LOL at your husband’s creative interpretation of your doctor’s advice! I can sorta see the reasoning–I had a really bad bout of pneumonia a few years ago, and once I recovered enough to make it to the bathroom without gaspng, I decided it would be a good idea to move a bunch of heavy rocks. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t a good idea. But my stubbornness prevailed as it usually does.

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