No serial killers this week, because that would be too exciting

This week’s update will be short and serial-killer-free (unlike most of the rest of my July posts–apparently it’s serial killer month here at Camp WTF). I could make a bunch of exciting-sounding excuses: I’m flying to Fiji in an hour! I need to prepare for a call with an agent who wants to represent me! I have an appointment with a financial advisor to help me figure out what to do with my lottery winnings!

Right. Uh huh.

Here’s the sad truth: Exactly two exciting things happened this week.

  1. We bought a new freezer.
  2. It rained.

Kids, that’s what you have to look forward to when you hit middle age: getting excited about new appliances and the weather. Sorry.

So this week’s update will be short, because I doubt you want to read an ode to my new Hotpoint. I could probably work up a few pretty lines about the rain, which is much-needed and much-appreciated. Would you believe we haven’t had a day over 100F since Saturday?! Yeah, I know, I totally buried the lede.

Before we get to all the non-excitement: Welcome to the Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer! Have a seat, grab a treat, and let’s get to it.

Thanks to the rain, the garden is coming back to life a little. I took these pictures a few minutes ago:

I’m tempted to plant the whole yard in salvia and New Guinea impatiens. They bloom all summer, no matter how hot it gets, and the salvia even wintered over from last year.

OK, so I guess I can add a third item to my weekly excitement list: plants are flowering.

Since there’s not much else to say about this week, let’s wrap up the babble and get to:

The Memes

It’s a small, theme-less batch this week, because I need to get to work. Despite all those clickbait headlines telling me I can make $8000 a month with my blog, that hasn’t actually happened, so I still have a day job.

Speaking of my day job, this is me attempting to fix formatting in a Word doc:

Here’s one for the musicians in the crowd:

“How to blame bass players for your sub-par playing” had me ROTFLMAO. Especially since Long-Suffering Husband is a bass player.

Our ghosts are a bunch of slackers.

Speaking of slacking:

I am now feeling better about my weekend plans–lounging, reading, and meme-hunting.

Speaking of reading, let’s venture into the futuristic worlds of old science fiction:

Those old sci-fi writers must be so disappointed in us.

I’m so glad I wasn’t drinking anything when I saw that one.

And finally:

How about y’all? Anything new and exciting in your lives? How’s the weather? Bought any good appliances lately?


  • Bobbiem91

    If you consider muddy roads that mess up your vehicle and a internet company that can’t keep me connected something news worthy, then I’m there. We’ve been getting a LOT of rain the past week. Good: slow, easy, ground soaking rain. Bad: I’m not in 4-wheel drive getting in and out of my place due to the six inches of mud on my roads.

    As to work. Plugging along, staying off the internet pretty much due to working on a hot spot until my new internet comes in next week. (changed companies and am hoping this one will be a lot better.)

    Keep going. I’m sure you’ll find another serial killer out there somewhere.

    • Janet Alcorn

      It would be nice if we got rain more evenly throughout the year instead of all in one month. We’ve gotten quite a bit here but not enough to be a problem, thank goodness.

      I hope your new internet connection is an improvement. It’s so hard to get decent connectivity outside of big cities. My son was amazed when we moved here at how fast the internet was.

  • Elizabeth Seckman

    We also got rain! And a break in the heat. I did an outdoor scooter program with kids in the middle of the heat. I was so drenched in sweat, it’s a week later and I’m still dehydrated.

    Oh, and no appliances, but I got some floor tile!!!

    • Janet Alcorn

      Ooh, tile! Love tile! (See, kids? Being an adult = getting excited about tile. Kill me now.) We have tile floors here, and they’re so easy to keep clean (not that we actually clean them, but it would be easy if we did).

      Glad you got some rain! But outdoor programs in the heat? Yuck.

  • Denyse Whelan Blogs

    Rain is welcomed after periods of dry weather and heat. However, the rain gods got it wrong here on the east coast of Australia and flooded towns and communities FOUR times this year. Ooops. We are of a certain age..over 70 and now excitedly awaiting the delivery of a NEW bed! Denyse #weekendcoffeeshare

    • Janet Alcorn

      New beds are definitely worth getting excited about! I hope you love it.

      Lots of flooding here in the US too, including in the city where I lived until a couple of years ago (Flagstaff, Arizona). Here in AZ, it seems like it’s always too little water or too much.

  • leannelc

    Hi Janet I laughed at the Mt Everest meme – I always tell my husband that too much exercise is bad for your health and back it up with any newspaper story I read about someone dropping dead from a heart attack during a marathon – it’s a great excuse not to run anywhere!

    • Janet Alcorn

      Point him to the story of Jim Fixx, famous runner who dropped dead in 1984. I do run (sort of), but I also make a lot of excuses to not run, especially in the summer. When it’s 105 outside, all I want to do is lounge under the ceiling fan and whine.

  • Gary A Wilson

    Hi Janet, Fun stuff again. Had me laughing in a way that must have disturbed other patrons of this rural Starbucks in mid-south Wyoming because this was the closest thing we could find that would have good wifi.. Yep – we’re road tripping because we have to move the girl-child to Michigan for med school. It could have been worse. Several of the schools she applied for are in NY or New England. 2 timezones is enough. 3, might have put her on a plane with just 3 suitcases of stuff. I think I deserve some parent points for blowing my vacation time driving her through Wyoming. . . and then back. I have to go home again afterwards. . .

    • Janet Alcorn

      Congrats to your daughter on getting into med school! That’s wonderful!

      I’ve driven across part of Wyoming. Some of it is beautiful, some of it is boring. I hope you got to go through some of the beautiful part. And yeah, good on you for helping her move. Driving to MI doesn’t sound like a terrible use of vacation time, but then I love road trips.

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