Catch me on the Big Blend Radio podcast

Text reads: Tucson Sisters in Crime Anthology Writers Panel on Big Blend Radio: Eva Eldridge, Elaine A. Powers, Cheryl Ryan, Lynn Nicholas, Conda Douglas, Amber Leffler, Kris Neri, Minerva Raz, Janet Alcorn." Graphic includes Trouble in Tucson book cover and photos of the authors.

Catch me on the Big Blend Radio podcast, available free on their website and on YouTube. Host Lisa D. Smith interviewed 8 authors with stories in the Trouble in Tucson anthology plus the anthology cover designer. Here’s the lineup:

Tune in to learn more about my short story, “Adam Carmona and the Case of the Saguaro Ripper,” as well as a little about my take on short story writing.

A huge thank you to Lisa for a great interview! I encourage you to pay a visit to the Blend Radio & TV Magazine site and check out all the cool stuff Lisa and crew have on offer. They cover music and the arts, food and drink, travel and parks, family and lifestyle, health and self-empowerment, nature and environment, business and career, and history and culture – in other words, a little of just about everything.


  • Texan in Exile

    I cannot tell you how disappointed I am that others have learned about castor beans as the perfect murder weapon. I had been holding onto that method just in case.

    • Janet Alcorn

      LOL! I had the same thought. I’ve grown castor bean plants and always wanted to use them in a story.

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