Podcast appearance, Michigan trip, and books - Janet Alcorn
This post is a hodgepodge–my podcast appearance, the last of the pictures from my trip to Michigan, and what I’ve been reading lately. But before we get to all that: This post is part of the Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer, and What’s On Your Bookshelf, hosted by Sue, Donna, Jo and Deb. Grab a treat, have a seat, and let’s get to it. I’m on the Big Blend Radio podcast! Last month I appeared on the Big Blend Radio podcast, along with other authors whose stories appeared in the Trouble in Tucson anthology. More details in this post. Last batch of pix from the Michigan trip In my last two Weekend Coffee Share posts (here and here) I shared pics from my trip to Michigan in May. I have just a few more, and then I’ll have to get off my lazy butt and find something new to photograph for next week’s post. First up: yes, *another* lighthouse. This one is the Tawas Point Lighthouse, located in Tawas Point State Park. According to the writeup on Michigan’s travel and tourism site, Tawas Point is known as the “Cape Cod of the Midwest.” I’m not sure how it compares to Cape Cod (I’m guessing my blogger friend Trent might have something to say about that), but Tawas Point is lovely. It wasn’t even terribly windy when we were there. Nearby Tawas City is also lovely–a picturesque beach town with cute shops and amazing ice cream. Highly recommend. Seen in a shop in Tawas City (apologies for the bad lighting): I don’t usually recommend taking life advice from signs in gift shops, but this one’s pretty solid. Apparently northern Michigan has laid claim to Bigfoot–Oregon and Washington would like a word–so there’s Bigfoot kitsch all over the place. Such as: I can tell you for sure that at least one of these guys has big feet. After a night in Tawas City, we drove north to Oscoda, then turned inland to start making our way back to Detroit. Just outside Tawas City, I discovered I’m famous: After I got my ego back under control, we continued on our way out of town and enjoyed another Bigfoot sighting: If I still lived in Portland, I would have bought a sign like that for my garden. But here in the desert, it would just look ridiculous. We traveled inland on a road that offered lovely views of the Au Sable River: It also offered lovely views of wild turkeys: So many wild turkeys. We even saw them along the freeway back to Detroit. So that’s it for our Great Michigan Adventure. I hope to go back to visit the Upper Peninsula. Someday… The (bi)monthly book roundup I missed last month’s What’s on Your Bookshelf roundup (b/c I was busy stuffing my face with road food and looking for Bigfoot), so I have 2 months’ worth of books to share with you this time: For some reason, I became fascinated with medical memoirs a couple of months ago and whipped through a bunch of them. My favorites were High Risk, which I read for a work-related book club, and Cook County ICU. It’s not a memoir, but I also loved Bill Bryson’s The Body – educational and funny, as one would expect from Bryson. Among the (few) non-medical titles, highlights included: The memery I know it’s book week, so I should have book memes, but I don’t (well, OK, I have one). What I do have is a huge backlog of random nonsense, so… prepare for incoming random nonsense. Here’s the one book meme: OK, back to the random nonsense. Do yourself a favor and follow the Oklahoma Wildlife Dept. on Twitter. Just make sure you aren’t drinking anything when you read their tweets. I’m a medical librarian. When I get sick, I search the same resources doctors use–and promptly become convinced I’m going to die. I’d watch that movie. We have coyotes and roadrunners in my neighborhood, and I haven’t seen a single Acme delivery. So yeah, all lies. And finally: That’s it for me this week. What’s happening where you are?
Janet Alcorn