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    Ghost and other horror stories (with gratuitous Halloween pics)

    Insecure Writer's Support Group badge

    It’s finally October! ‘Tis the season for pumpkin spice, hoodies and cozy blankets1, chilly mornings2, horror stories, and scaring the crap out of neighborhood children before giving them free candy. This year we’re busy unpacking, but by the time next Halloween3 rolls around, kids in this neighborhood are going to wet their pants even thinking about coming to our door. Don’t believe me? This is what we did to our yard the last time we lived in a neighborhood that contained children: At night we added an orange flickering light to the wood under the fake leg for that realistic roasting-human-flesh look. I’m pretty sure the 6-year-old across the street–who’s…

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    This post is the first thing I’ve written in a month

    Insecure Writer's Support Group badge

    Greetings from Fresno, California! Your intrepid blogger has relocated from the Sonoran Desert to the San Joaquin Valley, trading 100+ degree temperatures for… more 100+ degree temperatures. Yeah. Anyway, I’m slowly settling into a new routine, and writing this month’s IWSG post is another step on that journey–writing again after a month of packing, cleaning, moving, learning a new place, starting a new job. It’s… a lot. But I’m still standing (or actually sitting–in my makeshift home office, typing out these words). For anyone who’s new here, this post is part of the Insecure Writers Support Group (IWSG) blog hop. On the first Wednesday of every month, we IWSG-ers share…