D is for Discovery (#AtoZChallenge) - Janet Alcorn
The theme for my A to Z Challenge posts is Discovery, especially the things I’m discovering during the 2020 Quarantine Experience. Many of the posts this month will dig deeper into various discoveries–or at least I think they will. I really haven’t planned out this whole blog challenge thing. As with the rest of my life, I’m making it up as I go along. Anyway, here’s a random list of things I’ve discovered in the three+ weeks I’ve been exiled from society: Human beings are wonderfully resilient and inventive. From hilarious new memes about toilet paper to 3D printed masks for health professionals to Zoom happy hours, we hairless apes have found ways to not only survive but thrive under adverse conditions. Behold this example of human creativity: If my dogs were actually co-workers, they would be reported to HR at least twice a day. They are pros at lunch stealing and inappropriate touching. Plain white rice keeps in the refrigerator for over a week with no adverse effects. No, I’m not posting a picture of my leftover rice. Use your imagination. I do not perceive time in a linear fashion when cooped up in the house for days on end. This afternoon I literally couldn’t remember what I’d done this morning, and if I did remember something, I couldn’t remember which day I’d done it. And each morning when I wake up, it takes me a bit to figure out what day of the week it is. Apparently lack of time was not the reason for my previous inability to get around to doing various things. I have a lot more time, and I’m still not doing them. The first two weeks of my exile, I was productive and energetic most of the time. Starting with week 3, last week, it became harder to focus and get motivated. It’ll be interesting–or possibly disturbing–to see what state I’m in by the end of this month. I suspect I’ll be an amorphous blob physically attached to a couch cushion. How about y’all, fellow quarantinos? What have you learned from this period of prolonged isolation?
Janet Alcorn