Unknown pink rose (#FOTD)

I bought this rose last summer as a rooted cutting from a guy selling them on a street corner here in Tucson. He said he and his wife brought the mother plant from Ohio decades ago. It struggled last year, probably because I planted it in the summer, but now it’s thriving and just bloomed for the first time.

Shared as part of Cee’s Flower of the Day photo challenge.

What’s blooming in your garden on this lovely Mother’s Day?


  • Bobbiem91

    I wish I had a garden, but I’ll settle for the wild grass I don’t need to care for, the wild flowers that bloom when it rains. I love your beautiful garden, but my brown thumb would kill every pant there.

    • Janet Alcorn

      I love natural vegetation too, and not having to mess with it is a bonus. Gardening is a skill like any other, but the most important thing is to enjoy it. Otherwise, it’s work, and that’s no fun.

    • Janet Alcorn

      Same! Unfortunately I’m one of those people who will bore the pants off you with the history of every single plant in my garden.