Black and white high contrast photo of an early 20th century building set against a sky dotted with clouds.

Bisbee noir and a bit of non-news (Weekend Coffee Share #7)

Happy Friday, and welcome to the weekend coffee share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer! I’m frantically trying to finish a short story to submit to my favorite Christmas horror anthology series, Deathlehem, so this week’s post will be short. I submitted last year and got rejected, so I’m trying again this year with a new–and scarier–story. 

Hubster and I spent part of last weekend in Bisbee, a copper mining town about an hour and a half from Tucson. It’s a fascinating place–and more than a little bit creepy after dark. We nicknamed it Stair Land, because it’s built into a hillside and has staircases everywhere–including some that seem to go nowhere.

I had fun with the noir setting on my iPhone, which enhanced the creepy factor. Take a look:




In other news

  • There’s still no news on the story slated for the Storyteller Series podcast. C’mon, guys, I’m dyin’ over here.
  • It’s almost time for Pitch Wars! I submitted last year and got two full requests but didn’t manage to land a mentor. If at first you don’t succeed… 
  • It’s fall, and the forecast for the next week shows highs in the 80s. Woo hoo! It’s so nice to have a break from the triple digits. 

How about y’all? What’s happening in your corner of the world?


  • Scribble and Scran

    Went to the city of Glasgow yesterday, boy do they know how to do stairs. Usually and escalator to get you into the main part of the store and then stairs to get out (usually hidden!) Great pics.

  • Gary A Wilson

    Hi Janet. Well thanks for adding to my want to visit list, because Bisbee looks more than worth a visit. It would have been a perfect trip for one of my trips to Tucson while our daughter was attending UA, but now it’s just a long drive away. . .

    Anyway, I tried something a bit new for me. I wrote a story that was deliberately based on a current event and tried to weave some science and emotion all into one entertaining and (I hope) compelling story. So far, the feedback seems to go the right direction but I’d love to know your reaction as you have much more experience in creating stories that grab the reader.

    It’s about a 10 minute read and is posted at this link:

    In the meantime, I want to go back and explore your Bisbee photos.

    Thanks for a fun share and the virtual visit to Stair City.
    Good luck on your submissions. Sounds daunting to writers like me.

    • Janet Alcorn

      Sorry for the belated reply! It’s been a hectic few days around here. Bisbee is definitely worth a visit if you have the time. Thanks for sharing your story! I really felt for your main character. I was home alone as a kid whenever I was sick (though I was never that sick for that long). Unfortunately no boys ever showed up to keep me company 🙂