Acceptance, rejection, Christmas lights, and funnies (Weekend Coffee Share #18)

Good morning, happy Friday, and welcome to the Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer! I can’t compete with her amazing holiday display pics, but I’ll share a few of my own anyway. But first:

Writing news!

There are two kinds of people in the world: those who want the bad news first, and those who want the good news first. I’m the former–get the yuck out of the way so we can end on a positive note. So in that spirit: I received a rejection for the writing retreat I applied for. Bummer. It would have been amazing, I’m sure, but on the bright side: that’s 2 weeks of vacation time I can use for something else, like, I dunno, a vacation. So there’s that.

As for the good news, a creative nonfiction piece I wrote about my mother’s last Christmas was accepted by Harmony Magazine, the literary magazine of the University of Arizona College of Medicine. That one will come out under my real name, which means when I share it here, I’ll be revealing my secret identity. Batman will be so disappointed in me.

Digression alert! I Googled “disappointed batman” and discovered that “disappointed Batman” is a meme. Because of course it is.

You’re welcome.

Holiday lights from Tucson Botanical Gardens

I’m starting to think Tucson Botanical Gardens should pay me for all the promotion I give them.

In our continuing quest for holiday cheer, we attended Wanderland, their holiday light display. It wasn’t huge, but it was lovely. These pics were just snapped with my iPhone, so they aren’t spectacular, but they’ll give you a sense of the place:

I love this one, because it’s unintentionally spooky, and the cactus to the left of the mesquite tree looks like the Grim Reaper come to harvest souls.

And finally,

The weekly funnies!

This week’s theme: murder, mayhem, and other evils (because we all need a little holiday cheer).

All right, that’s all from me this week. How about y’all? Any fun weekend plans? Holiday plans? Homicide or demon-summoning plans?


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