Tucson Botanical Gardens + April review + a fresh batch of memes

Good morning and happy Saturday! It’s the last day of April, a good time to look back at the month that was. Also on tap: art and blooms from Tucson Botanical Gardens, memes, and various bits of personal news. But first: welcome to the Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer! Pull up a seat, grab a drink, and let’s chat.


I started to come out of my writing slump in April, though I still haven’t been as productive as I was most of last year. I got feedback on Vanishing, Inc. from a beta reader and continued slogging away on Delta Dawn.

The big news in April: My nonfiction piece about my mother’s last Christmas (“A Christmas Duet”) was published in Harmony Magazine! This is my first published nonfiction piece and a departure from the usual murder and mayhem I write about.

I also took two writing classes:

Both were very good and helped me find new enthusiasm for my work.

I wrote six blog posts:


Most of my travel in April consisted of either walking in my neighborhood or going to work (the thrills never stop around here, I tell ya), but I did drive to Flagstaff early in the month and take a hike in Sweetwater Preserve here in Tucson. And last weekend, Long-Suffering Husband and I visited the Tucson Botanical Gardens again. I know I’ve shared tons of pictures from the gardens (like here, here, here, here, and here), but this was our first spring visit, and it was amazing.

First up: the Glass in Flight exhibit from Tucson artist Alex Heveri. I didn’t get pictures of all his pieces, but here are a few:

Next: cactus flowers (c’mon… you knew I was going to post cactus flowers):

2 / 6

The iris garden was also in bloom:

Miscellaneous flowers:

Is it a cactus or a muppet? Whatever it is, it looks happy.

These definitely aren’t muppets. I was surprised to learn there’s no collective noun for a group of cactuses, so I’ll make one up: A prickle of cactuses (hey, someone got away with a murder of crows).

The Greg Pierson Sundial

I love the array of colors and textures here:

Next week I’m off to New Orleans for my first in-person work conference in about 3 years. So next week’s post should contain pictures that a) include water, and b) don’t include cactuses. What a novel concept.

Life stuff

Last week I met up with some friends from Portland who were visiting down here in the land of sunshine and venomous creatures. I hadn’t seen them since about 2010, so it was wonderful to catch up.

I haven’t talked much about what Instagram influencers call their, “Fitness Journey” (the rest of us call it Getting Up Off the Damn Couch Already), but after some not-great lab results at my last physical, I committed to a) getting up out of my damn chair already, and b) eating like a grown-ass adult instead of an unsupervised ten-year-old. I’m happy to report that I’m running 2-3 times per week, eating actual vegetables, eating sweets only occasionally, exercising most days, and weight training a couple of times a week. I’ve also lost about five pounds, but weight loss was never my primary goal. My primary goal is to live a longer, healthier life, so I have the time and energy to do the things that matter to me. I still crave chocolate and Extra Toasty Cheez-Its (and still indulge in both–but in much smaller quantities than before), but I’m being more intentional about how I care for my body. My efforts seem to be paying off–I have less joint pain and more stamina. I’m waiting on my most recent lab results, so we’ll see if my numbers have improved. I sincerely hope so. I want maximum payoff for Cheez-It deprivation.

My new commitment to not eating like a child will be sorely tested in New Orleans. My schedule is full of events that include meals, and I’ll be in close proximity to Cajun food and beignets. If you hear a series of loud thuds next week, that’ll be me falling off the healthy eating wagon.


No meme theme this week, just random crap that made me smile when I was supposed to be working or writing.

Ah, I remember the days when people would laugh when I fell down. *sigh*

At least I stand a reasonable chance of living long enough to get old(er), unlike these poor folks:

Yes, please do leave me at the seaside. Just for the halibut.

Speaking of food:

I presume those cannabis leaves will be served with bacon.

And more food fun:

Long-Suffering Husband would like to register an objection. Neither of these categories include pizza.

Back to aging:

And my bad hips and bad back and… *sigh*

Totally me. Also, when I say something happened a couple of weeks/months ago, it almost certainly happened last year.

Yup. In the last decade or so, all my injuries have happened when I was doing something boring and ordinary: walking downstairs, washing dishes, pruning plants… and sleeping.

I can think of few better descriptions of me than, “You’re old and you want tacos.” Except for this one:

Or maybe this one (but replace coffee with Diet Pepsi):

Let’s change gears and get creepy.

Ghostbusters, my ass. Where’s the ghost collection agency?

There are worse postmortem possibilities:

“We were a lawyer, for god’s sake.” I. Am. Dying. (and hopefully will come back as a ghost/zombie combo–“we were a librarian, for god’s sake.”)

Used to have cats. Can confirm. And “Kibble Chalice” is my new band name.

Let’s have some more fun with the English language:

This one made me snort-laugh:

Now I want to be a pirate HR rep.

And finally:

How about y’all? Fun plans this weekend? Favorite healthy snacks to entice me away from the Extra Toasty Cheez-Its? Tips for what to do in New Orleans (in the short periods between presentations and meetings)?


    • Janet Alcorn

      YES! And now I’m picturing a giant taco with a waffle in place of the tortilla. Mex-Brex!

  • Bobbiem91

    You are amazing, that’s for sure. Loved the dishwashing meme. Almost makes me want to clean up my sink—nor not.

    • Janet Alcorn

      Aw, thank you 🙂

      I keep eyeing the dishes accumulating in the kitchen… and then find something else to do.

  • Natalie

    Congratulations on the publication of your ‘A Christmas Duet’ and well done with taking good care of your health! Beautiful flowers and artworks, and funny memes. Thank you for your weekend coffee share.

  • Susanne

    I loved your cacti and memes as usual! The one about falling on the street to see if you’re old, is hilarious! I’m close to 50 now and sat playing music in the pub last night, and what I saw as a young girl sat down with us and sang some songs with us. Then she complimented my guitar playing and my husband’s mandolin playing and said that she was too old to learn to play an instrument. I then said that I had only played for two years, and that it’s never too late to learn and “you’re only 20 or something!” and she said “well I’m actually 31”. Hahaha then I felt old… like everyone who looks younger is around their 20s!
    I’m totally with you about the fitness journey! Influencers, haha… they never show the whole reality I guess.

    • Janet Alcorn

      That’s a great story–and good on you for helping her see she’s not too old (especially at 31–sheesh!). I started writing fiction when I was 47. You’re never too old to learn something new.

  • joylenebutler

    Call me nuts, but you seem to have a lot of energy in comparison to how I go through my day. Yesterday, I started yawning shortly after rising and didn’t stop until I was back in bed unconscious. Great post!

    • Janet Alcorn

      Oh, I have plenty of days like that, especially after a night of poor sleep (and I have way too many of those). I just try to make small amounts of progress where I can.

      • joylenebutler

        Yes, that’s my strategy too. Like playing a game on my computer then putting the garbage out. Or vacuuming, then taking an hour nap. LOL. Real progress.

  • leannelc

    Hi Janet – I loved the glass sculptures – I’m such a fan of modern stained glass work. Also good on you for tackling healthier eating and moving more – always a challenge for those of us who enjoy sitting on our butts eating chips! I’ve had a raft of hip issues over the last 6 months and my exercise regime (great term for going for a daily walk!) has fallen by the wayside due to the pain and limp – it’s so hard to find something that feels like exercise and doesn’t hurt atm!

    • Janet Alcorn

      Oof, I’m sorry you’re having hip issues. It’s awful, because exercise helps so much with joint pain, but if you’re hurting, it’s really hard to exercise. I hope you feel better soon!

      I love glass sculptures too, and these were lovely.

  • rawsonjl

    Congrats on your publication! That’s wonderful. Oh I love that blue glass butterfly! Hope you have a great time in new Orleans… now I want a beignet! We had them once at Port Orleans at Walt Disney World and it was love at first bite. It’s so hard eating like an adult and not an unsupervised 10 year old.

    • Janet Alcorn


      We used to go to Cafe Orleans in Disneyland all the time for Monte Cristo sandwiches. The way they make them, they’re basically a beignet with sandwich fixings inside. So decadent. So good.

  • Elizabeth Seckman

    Your meme game is still tops. Enjoy your trip to New Orleans.

    My favorite healthy-ish snack is popcorn. I got a microwave popcorn bowl on Amazon. You can pop the kernels with a small amount of oil, add a bit of salt and it’s decent. I won’t lie and say it’s as good as theater popcorn, but it’s better than cardboard.

    • Janet Alcorn


      Ooh, I didn’t know microwave popcorn bowls were a thing! That is genius! Popcorn makes a good healthy snack (if you don’t drown it in butter like some of us do).

  • Kirstin

    Great job on your journey to wellness….I loved your photos and memes as always. So glad you had time for a catch up with friends…and just remember when you go to New Orleans…moderation and portions…lol.

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