Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!
No exciting news in this post, no travel pics, probably not much snark (but fear not–there will be memes).
So if there are no announcements, no travel pics, and no snark (!!), what will be in this post besides memes? My sincerest wish that you and yours have the happiest of holidays. You, dear reader, are the reason I devote the better part of a weekend morning attempting to be amusing on Al Gore’s internet. Your time and your comments mean the world to me. So, from my house to yours:

Those of you who know me through the Weekend Coffee Share (hosted by Natalie the Explorer) may have noticed I’ve been absent for a few weeks. I got what I thought was a mild case of COVID right after Thanksgiving, and it’s hung on since then. As of last week, I was still testing (very faintly) positive and dealing with a lot of fatigue and joint pain. I have good days and bad days (today is a good day! yay!), but it’s slowed me down quite a bit. Blogging–and writing in general–has often fallen by the wayside in favor of reading, phone scrolling, and resting.
I’ve managed some blogging in the last few weeks (and two posts include announcements, so I lied a little in my intro). If you’re visiting from the Weekend Coffee Share, here’s what you may have missed since my last link party post:
- An interview with author C. Lee McKenzie about her latest book, Rattlesnake, for the December IWSG blog hop
- An announcement about my appearance on the Mysterious Goings-On podcast
- An announcement that my short story, “The Fourth Man,” won a prize (the story is free to read online, so if you’re interested, hop over to the post, and you’ll find a link to the story)
Even before COVID, I struggled to find time to work on my fiction, so I may scale back my participation in link parties in 2024 so I can focus on my other writing. But I’ll pop in from time to time, because I’ve made some wonderful blogging friends, and I want to keep up with what’s happening in your lives.
OK, enough about me. It’s time for:
The Memery
It’s Christmas Eve, so of course I’m going to share Christmas memes. Here we go:

That one is courtesy of Long-Suffering Husband, a diehard Kiss fan.
Keeping the Christmas Story theme going:

And some random holiday nonsense:

And finally, here’s your holiday productivity hack of the week:

You can thank me next year.
Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas to those who celebrate!

Merry Christmas to you too.
Janet Alcorn
Janet, I hope you’re feeling better. Thank you for your weekend coffee share. Merry Christmas and happy New Year to you!
Janet Alcorn
Merry Christmas! Hope you are totally well with full strength returned soon!
Janet Alcorn
Thanks! I hope so too – I have gardening to do!
Feel better and Merry Christmas to and your family.
Janet Alcorn
There are a lot ofrepurpsoed Halloween decoration around our town, but then, what do you do with a 12 foot tall skeleton after Halloween? OK, a few are Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas, so they took the easy way out. Still, I like this one better.
I hope you feel better soon! It sucks that it has stuck around this long.
Have a Merry Christmas and if I don’t “see” you, a Happy New Year!
Janet Alcorn
You put a giant Santa suit on that skeleton! Maybe cover him in tiny twinkle lights.
Years ago, Spirit Halloween sold a life-sized animatronic Jason. I wanted that thing so bad! I was going to put it on our front porch and decorate it for every holiday: Jason in a Santa hat, Jason with cupid wings for Valentine’s Day, Jason with an Uncle Sam hat for July 4… you get the idea. Fortunately for the rest of the family and our neighbors, I was too cheap to pay $200 for him. Maybe someday…
I hope you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year too!
My comment vanished, so I’m repeating… Feliz Ano Nuevo, Janet. Here’s wishing you a healthy, happy, and rich 2024.
Janet Alcorn
I wonder if vanished comments go to the same parallel universe as vanished socks and Tupperware containers? 🙂
Happy New Year to you too!