Snow in Tucson and the monthly book round-up
The big news this week: it snowed in Tucson! A whole half an inch! Yeah, I know, all you East Coasters and Midwesterners and Canadians are rolling your eyes like Linda Blair rolling her head, but we don’t get much cold white stuff down here in Satan’s Anus. Let me have my moment, will ya? But before we get to my moment: Welcome to the Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer, and the What’s On Your Bookshelf Challenge, hosted by Sue, Donna, Jo and Deb. Grab a mug of cocoa, curl up under a cozy blanket, and let’s enjoy winter in Tucson! OK, back to the snow. By the time I got…
Why I don’t do Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is next week. Whoop-de-do. That spiny heart in the photo above is a nice encapsulation of my feelings about Buy-A-Bunch-Of-Pink-Crap day. So’s this: Yes, I’m a Grinch about V-Day, which seems odd for someone who occasionally writes romance. I believe in love, I know the anniversary of my first date with Long-Suffering Husband (Feb. 15). Hell, I can even be a hopeless romantic sometimes, though I keep that nonsense to myself so I don’t ruin my reputation as a crusty hater of all things pink and candy-hearted. But Valentine’s Day? I have some trauma around that day. And I’m going to share it with you, right here and…
Saguaro National Park East
This week we’ll revisit the east unit of Saguaro National Park (see here and here for previous posts with pictures of this lovely place). I have friends in town and joined them for a leisurely hike in the park last weekend. We’ll also have the usual meme-y silliness. But first: Good morning, happy Friday, and welcome to the Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer! This week’s post will be short, because a) I’ve spent most of the week working, and you probably don’t want to hear about all the exciting meetings I’ve attended, and b) I have to leave for another exciting meeting shortly. Mica View picnic area…
New year, new writing progress
Welcome to my first IWSG post of 2023! (Because I’m a huge dork who forgot to post in January.) The first Wednesday of every month is Insecure Writers Support Group day, on which we insecure writers share our doubts, fears, struggles, and triumphs. Our awesome February co-hosts are Jacqui Murray, Ronel Janse van Vuuren, Pat Garcia, and Gwen Gardner. Please stop by and leave them some comment love. Each month our fearless leaders provide an optional question we can answer in our posts. This month’s question is: If you are an Indie author, do you make your own covers or purchase them? If you publish trad, how much input do you have about what…
California Delta Part 2: Mossdale Crossing Regional Park
Last week we visited Paradise Cut, a section of the California Delta outside my hometown of Tracy. This week we’ll move a few miles east to Mossdale Crossing Regional Park, which sits next to I5 on the way from Tracy to Stockton. Only a few pictures this time, because a) it was cold and windy, and b) the park is small. The boat ramp is the big attraction, but a) I don’t own a boat, and b) the river was running high and fast, which should make sensible people think twice about boating. For me, the attractions were the river and the old bridges. But before we get to those:…
California Delta Part 1: Paradise Cut (+Books! and Memes!)
Today I’m going to take you on a visit to one of my favorite places in the world–and the setting for my novel-in-progress, Delta Dawn–the California Delta. Well, I’m going to take you to one tiny piece of it, Paradise Cut outside my hometown of Tracy, California. We’ll also talk books, and I have the usual batch of meme-y hilarity. But first: Welcome to the Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer and the What’s On Your Bookshelf Challenge, hosted by Sue, Donna, Jo and Deb. Grab a treat, have a seat, and let’s get to it. When most non-Californians think of the state, they think of Hollywood, San Francisco, Silicon Valley–movie stars and…
2023 is off to a weird start
I had lots of plans for Winter Break and the start of 2023. Travel! New look for the blog! Lots of progress on my writing! Late brunches and desert hikes and lots of lounging in my PJs. Well… some of that happened. Long-Suffering Husband and I drove to Vegas right after Christmas (he won, I didn’t–as usual). I worked on the Blog Refresh from Hell that I started last Winter Break. I flew to Sacramento, drove to my hometown, hung out with friends, visited some places near and dear to me. Flew home ready to finish up the website refresh, work on my novel, and have those late brunches and…
Holiday horror short story published in Deathlehem anthology!
“The Fine Print,” my newest horror short story, is published in ‘Twas the Fright Before Christmas in Deathlehem, the 2022 holiday horror anthology from Grinning Skull Press! What’s it about? Thanks for asking! In the year since his daughter died on Christmas morning, Josh Fogarty has barely held himself together. As he weeps at her grave on Christmas Eve, a stranger offers him a sympathetic ear–and a tantalizing deal. It’s available in print or Kindle formats from Amazon. Grab a copy and ring in the new year with a good scare (or several). As with previous Deathlehem anthologies, proceeds support the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation. And while you’re there,…
Check out my award-winning mystery story, “Walk Me Home”
I have an award-winning mystery short story! My story, “Walk Me Home,” won the 2022 Jim Martin Memorial Short Story Contest from Arizona Mystery Writers. SQUEEEEEE!!! Hey, I did warn you of incoming SQUEEEEE-laden announcements. What’s the story about? Thanks for asking! Rachel, a nerdy, socially awkward college freshman, wants Robert. And tonight she just might get him.
Writing news and the monthly book post
I have writing news! And I read some books! And it’s cold in Tucson! C’mon, at least pretend you’re excited. My delicate writer’s ego bruises easier than an overripe heirloom tomato. And if you humor me, you get memes. OK, fine, you get memes anyway. Let’s get this party started before I make a bigger idiot of myself. Welcome to the Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer, and the What’s On Your Bookshelf Challenge, hosted by Sue, Donna, Jo and Deb. Grab a treat, have a seat, and let’s get to it.