Are holidays for rest or productivity?
I’ve spent the last few days on holiday planning. I’m an academic, and my university shuts down from just before Christmas till just after New Years, giving me ~10 days off during which I don’t have to monitor email or think about work in any way. I don’t have much family, so I don’t have holiday houseguests, and I’m not expected to travel anywhere. Yet I manage to stress about Winter Break every year. Why? Because overthinking is one of my superpowers (the others are being so lazy my FitBit thinks I’m dead and eating my body weight in Extra Toasty Cheez-Its). Before we get to my overthinking of Winter…
Fall Color in Sabino Canyon
One of the best things about having a friend come to visit (besides, you know, enjoying the friend’s company) is the excuse to play tourist in your own city. My friend Arlene visited for a few days, during which we: I’m happy to report that we’re both now in excellent physical condition and have solved all the world’s problems. Hahahahahaha. Right. I’m actually happy to report that my pants still fit and my voice, legs, and hips still work. I’m calling that a win. Another win? Getting to see actual fall color and actual water, both of which are rarities in my adopted desert home. But before we get to…
My Christmas horror story will be published!
My new Christmas horror story, “The Fine Print,” will be published in the 2022 Deathlehem holiday horror anthology! Actual footage of me seeing the acceptance hitting my inbox: I signed the contract this morning and am now basking in the warm glow of external validation. Also basking in the warm glow of a stomach full of pumpkin pie. Mmmmm… Now I need a nap. But before I take one: Welcome to the Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer! Grab a slab of pumpkin pie and let’s chat!
The monthly book post–and a great tool for readers
We’re talking books this week–what I’ve been reading, a nifty tool that lets you revisit your Kindle highlights, and of course the usual meme-y silliness. Oh, and weather bragging. We must have weather bragging. With apologies to those of you who live where winter exists: Feel free to gloat in June when it’ll be approximately 872F here in Satan’s Anus. Right now it’s my turn. Now that I have the weather bragging out of my system: Welcome to the Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer, and the What’s On Your Bookshelf challenge, hosted by Sue, Donna, Jo and Deb. Grab a treat, have a seat, and let’s get to it.
My poem won a prize!
Back in September I shared that my poem, “The Future Held in Store,” was a finalist in the Arizona Authors Association annual literary contest. Well… it won third place! I’m excited because I’m pretty inexperienced as a poet. This is the first time I’ve ever let anyone else read one of my poems, let alone submit one, so yay! I’m bummed I had to miss the awards banquet due to COVID exposure), but I didn’t get COVID, so that’s another reason to celebrate. And now I just noticed they put my real name rather than my pen name on the certificate. Oh, well. I have a little more news, a…
The book is done* and the plague hath descended
If you’ve been hanging around here at all in the last few weeks, you’ll know I had a book manuscript due on Halloween. Well… It’s done!* *Except for one chapter that will be late because the original author bailed. **And the permissions issue for a figure that is requiring a last-minute edit to another chapter ***And any changes the publisher will request. ****And the marketing and promotion. But, yeah, it’s done! Woo hoo! I have a bit more news and the usual batch of memes, but first: Welcome to the Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer! Grab a treat, have a seat, and let’s get to it.
I forgot it’s IWSG day!
I roll up to my computer this morning, take my time reading my email, and see a post notification from a blog I follow. And in that notification are four letters: IWSG. Crap. It’s IWSG Day–and I totally forgot. I swig Diet Pepsi and, as the caffeine jumpstarts my brain, I decide: I can do this. I can pull an IWSG post out of my [redacted]. Yes, I can.
My scariest Halloween ever
Monday is shaping up to be my scariest Halloween ever. Am I spending a night in a haunted house? Did I meet a guy on Tinder who’s invited me to spend a week with him in his castle in Transylvania? Nope. (And the scariest part of that sentence is, “meet a guy on Tinder.” I’m so glad I’m married and don’t have to deal with such abominations.) So if it’s not a creepy destination or online dating, what’s so terrifying about this Halloween? Two words: Book. Deadline. [scary music] Yes, I’m still harping on about the book (work-related, not fun fiction) a colleague and I are editing. Our manuscript is…
A few books, a few memes… and a big deadline
My book deadline looms ever closer (a week from Monday! Gah!), so this week’s post will be short and unadorned except for a small batch of memes. I did manage to get a new issue of my email newsletter out (if you’re not on my mailing list and want to be, there’s a signup box to the right). Other than that, I’ve been slamming Diet Pepsi, eating all the mini Hershey bars Long-Suffering Husband bought to hand out on Halloween (silly man–after over 35 years of living with me, how could he possibly think Hershey bars would survive in this house for 2 weeks?), and editing. Editing, editing, editing. Sending…
Hosting a write-in and trying to finish a book
I’m going to open this week’s post with the same lament I’ve been lamenting for the last several weeks: work is crazy busy, which is cutting into my blogging time. Specifically, a colleague and I are editing a book, and the manuscript is due on October 31, which therefore will be the most terrifying Halloween of my life. I’m at the wake-up-at-4-AM stage of book deadline panic, so this post will be short. I do have some news to share, though, besides the aforementioned book. Before I get to that: Welcome to the Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer! Grab a treat, have a seat, and let’s get…