• Stream of Consciousness Saturday,  Travel

    Hope: the engine that drives human activity (and Vegas)

    This post is part of the Stream of Consciousness Saturday blog hop. Linda Hill posts a prompt every Friday; this week’s prompt is, “hope.” Remember the story of Pandora’s Box? Pandora was like Eve, only instead of being told not to eat an apple, Pandora was told not to open a box. Of course she opened it anyway, only to find it contained all the evils of the world. The evils flew out, as evils are wont to do, and poor Pandora poked around in the bottom of the box, desperately searching for something good amid all the horror. And what she found was Hope. Two thoughts come to mind…

  • Stream of Consciousness Saturday

    #SoCS: Rolling with life’s ups and downs

    This post is part of the Stream of Consciousness Saturday blog hop. Linda Hill posts a prompt every Friday; today’s prompt is “up/down.”  I’ve been thinking about life’s ups and downs a lot lately, maybe because the last couple of years have been up-and-downy for me, even more than normal. Of course there’s the Microbe that Must not be Named, but even setting that aside, I feel like my mood and energy as well as life events have fluctuated quite a lot. I’ve always prided myself on being resilient, on being able to roll with life’s punches, but lately I’ve been feeling life’s bumps a little more. It’s been an…

  • Arizona,  Stream of Consciousness Saturday

    #SoCS: In which your intrepid blogger whines about the Arizona heat

    This post is part of the Stream of Consciousness Saturday blog hop. Linda Hill posts a prompt every Friday; this week’s prompt is, “hat/het/hit/hot/hut.” Me, about an hour ago: I haven’t participated in SoCS for awhile. I’m tired and sleep-deprived, and I really don’t feel like revising my novel, so I’ll hop over to Linda Hill’s blog and see what today’s prompt is. Maybe it’ll be something I can relate to. It includes the word, “hot.” There’s a massive heat wave in the Western U.S. And I live in Arizona. Yeah, I can relate. We’re on about day 6 of temperatures over 110. It was 113 yesterday here in Tucson,…

  • Stream of Consciousness Saturday,  Writing

    #SoCS: What am I attracting?

    This post is part of the Stream of Consciousness Saturday blog hop. Linda Hill posts a prompt every Friday; this week’s prompt is, “magnet. I pondered over this week’s prompt for a bit, thinking about magnets, like the big rolling one in our carport that my husband uses to pick up nails in the gravel around our new-to-us house. The house isn’t actually new. It was built in 1946, and my husband has made a hobby out of rolling the magnet around, gathering nails and screws and other objects that might puncture our tires. He keeps all of them in an old wastebasket in the carport next to the magnet. They…

  • Arizona,  Photos,  Stream of Consciousness Saturday

    #SoCS: Our choices make our lives (with bonus pics from Saguaro National Park)

    This post is part of the Stream of Consciousness Saturday blog hop. Linda Hill posts a prompt every Friday; this week’s prompt is: “opt.” Use it as a word or find a word with “opt” in it and base your post on that. Yesterday my husband and I opted out of unpacking, organizing, and cleaning. Instead of doing those responsible adult things, we opted to explore the western unit of Saguaro National Park, about a half-hour’s drive from our new home in Tucson. I read a lot of self-help books, because I want to be the best version of me than I can, and I have a lot of dreams I want…

  • Stream of Consciousness Saturday

    #SoCS: What a day! (rinse, repeat)

    This post is part of the Stream of Consciousness Saturday blog hop. Linda Hill posts a prompt every Friday; this week’s prompt is: Find a word containing “jour” or use it as is. Bonus points if you start or end your post with that word. Jour is French for, “day.” I thought so, because the phrase, “du jour,” is pretty common, but I Googled it just to make sure, because God forbid I make a bigger idiot out of myself than usual… in print… on the internet. If you’d like to learn more about the word, see the Wiktionary entry. Yes, I am a librarian. Why do you ask? So……

  • Stream of Consciousness Saturday

    #SoCS: Old and new

    This post is part of the Stream of Consciousness Saturday blog hop. Linda Hill posts a prompt every Friday; see https://lindaghill.com/2020/10/02/the-friday-reminder-and-prompt-for-socs-oct-3-2020/. This week’s prompt is “new/old.” Use either or both of the words “new and old” any way you’d like. Bonus points for starting and ending with either one. Old house, new house, old job, new job, old place, new place. This weeks’ prompt is timely. As I’ve written in my last two posts, I’m in the process of relocating from Flagstaff, AZ to Tucson, AZ for a job at the University of Arizona. This week I became more seriously focused on wrapping things up at my old job. My…

  • Stream of Consciousness Saturday

    #SoCS: Boxes, boxes, boxes!

    This post is part of the Stream of Consciousness Saturday blog hop. Linda Hill posts a prompt every Friday; see https://lindaghill.com/2020/09/25/the-friday-reminder-and-prompt-for-socs-sept-26-2020/. This week’s prompt is “container.” Use the word “container” any way you’d like. Or think about a container of some kind and write about it. Enjoy! I almost didn’t do a Stream of Consciousness Saturday post today, because I am super-busy. Then I looked at the prompt and had to write, because the prompt connects nicely to why I’m super-busy: I’m moving, and I’m supposed to be putting stuff in boxes. And, duh, boxes are containers. I could wax metaphorical about how moving makes you put your whole life in…

  • Stream of Consciousness Saturday

    #SoCS: To be uncollared

    This post is part of the Stream of Consciousness Saturday blog hop. Linda Hill posts a prompt every Friday; see https://lindaghill.com/2020/09/11/the-friday-reminder-and-prompt-for-socs-sept-12-2020/. This week’s prompt is “collar.” Use it as a verb, a noun, or metaphorically. One of my first thoughts when seeing this week’s prompt was that a collar is a form of restraint. We put collars on dogs to restrain and control them. Police collar suspects. I suspect my mind went immediately to the idea of restraint, because I’m entering a new chapter of my life, and I want to be less restrained. I’ve accepted a new position in a new city (Tucson, Arizona), and we’re in the process…

  • Stream of Consciousness Saturday

    #SoCS: I have more, but I need less

    More. That’s the prompt for this week’s Stream of Consciousness Blog Hop, hosted by Linda Hill. Right now I have more. I keep getting more. And I need less. Yeah, I know, that probably sounded really ungrateful, but hear me out. My life is very full right now–full of good things and difficult things and mundane things, the things that make a life. But it’s one of those times when there’s just too much. I volunteered for an activity that, while enjoyable and of service to my fellow writers, is going to take a big chunk of time. My husband is having major surgery in 3 weeks, so I have…

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