Hosting a write-in and trying to finish a book
I’m going to open this week’s post with the same lament I’ve been lamenting for the last several weeks: work is crazy busy, which is cutting into my blogging time. Specifically, a colleague and I are editing a book, and the manuscript is due on October 31, which therefore will be the most terrifying Halloween of my life. I’m at the wake-up-at-4-AM stage of book deadline panic, so this post will be short. I do have some news to share, though, besides the aforementioned book. Before I get to that: Welcome to the Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer! Grab a treat, have a seat, and let’s get…
Flowers and Sunsets–and a Tragedy on my Campus
In last week’s post, we visited Bootleg Lake in the White Mountains of eastern Arizona. In this week’s post, I’ll wrap up the pictures from my September adventure with wildflowers and a spectacular New Mexico sunset, share the usual batch of meme-y hilarity–and reflect the tragic shooting this week at the University of Arizona. But first, welcome to the Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer. Natalie has food pics this week. Try not to lick your screen.
7 things I love about reading (and writing) crime fiction
As I noted in last month’s IWSG post, I write in several genres, and I will read almost anything, but I keep coming back to crime fiction. Why? Let me count the ways. But before I do: Happy IWSG day! I participate in the monthly IWSG (a/k/a Insecure Writers Support Group) Blog Hop, which happens on the first Wednesday of each month. We offer words of encouragement to our fellow writers and share our doubts, fears, struggles, and triumphs. Thanks so much to our wonderful October co-hosts, Tonja Drecker, Victoria Marie Lees, Mary Aalgaard, and Sandra Cox. Each month our fearless leaders provide an optional question we can answer in our posts. This month’s question is:…
Dispatch from Up North, Part 2: Bootleg Lake, Arizona
This week, we’re visiting Bootleg Lake, Arizona, a small reservoir on White Mountain Apache land outside Pinetop-Lakeside. Long-Suffering Husband and I happened upon this place while driving around exploring. We saw a sign that read Bootleg Lake and pointed down a dirt road. Unable to resist either lakes or dirt roads, I said, “Let’s check it out,” and off the pavement we went. After a mile or two, we arrived–here: Yes, that’s a lake, but this part is covered by lots of duckweed. According to a site for Arizona fishermen, Bootleg Lake disappears and reappears from year to year depending on rainfall. There’s been a lot of rain this monsoon…
Dispatch from Up North, Part 1: Salt River Canyon and Rainbow Lake
Long-Suffering Husband and I spent a lovely long weekend in a cabin in Pinetop-Lakeside, Arizona, walking in the woods, exploring the area, and being away from work, chores, and other adult annoyances. We also took tons of pictures, which I’ll share over at least the next couple of weeks. This week’s post will be brief, because I have all-day work commitments on the days I usually blog, and I’ll be too exhausted afterwards to string words together. OK, enough whining. Welcome to the Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer! Grab a treat, take a seat, and let’s get to it.
Books, book memes, writing news and more
We’re talking about books this week, because it’s time for the monthly What’s on Your Bookshelf challenge, hosted by Sue, Donna, Jo and Deb. And of course this post is also part of the Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer. Grab a treat, pull up a seat, and let’s chat! Personal and Writing News A few exciting (well, to me they’re exciting) news items in my world this week: Long-Suffering Husband and I celebrated our 31st anniversary! I still can’t wrap my head around that, because my brain is desperately clinging to the fantasy that I’m still 25, making our anniversary a temporal impossibility. One of my short stories was accepted! I can’t…
My poem is a finalist! (and there are memes)
This week’s update will be short, because as I lamented last week, my day job is kicking my butt. Also, I’m trying to get a whole bunch of stuff done before next Friday, when Long-Suffering Husband and I are escaping to the White Mountains (the ones in AZ, not NH) for 3 days of forested fun to celebrate our 32nd (!!!!!) anniversary. That said, I do have some exciting writing news to share this week, plus a fresh batch of memes, but first: welcome to the Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer! Grab a treat, have a seat, and let’s get to it. Writing News My poem, “The…
Literary genres that are not for me
One of my author bios reads something like, “Janet writes everything from romance to horror, because genres are suggestions, right?” In my rather brief writing “career,” I’ve written: romantic suspense with time travel (see what I mean about genres being suggestions?), a post-apocalyptic short story (subscribe to my newsletter for a free copy), romance, and suspense/mystery/thriller–and even a few poems and personal essays. So when I saw this month’s IWSG question, What genre would be the worst one for you to tackle and why?, I had to pause and think: Is there anything I absolutely wouldn’t write? Yeah, there is. But before we get to that: Happy IWSG day! I…
Saguaro National Park 2: Critters and Flowers
Last week I took you on a virtual hike in the east unit of Saguaro National Park, where the desert is green and lush from all the rain we’ve had. This week we’re going to get up close and personal with plants and critters. But first: Welcome to the Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer! And since I have so many flower pics in this post, I’m also linking up with Cee’s Flower of the Day photo challenge. Lace up your boots, pour your coffee in a Thermos, and let’s hit the trail!
Saguaro National Park East during a wet monsoon
A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that we’ve had lots of rain, and the mountains are greening up. Well, we’ve had more rain, and the mountains are even greener, and Long-Suffering Husband and I finally made time to get out and enjoy them. And you, lucky reader, get to tag along. But first: Welcome to the Weekend Coffee Share, hosted by Natalie the Explorer. Lace up your hiking boots and grab your water bottle–we’re going to do some Sonoran Desert hiking!